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Australia’s most popular birthday revealed!

January 18, 2018

New data released by the Australia Bureau of Statistics finally tells us what the most popular birthday is in Australia! Data analysed over a ten year period (between 2009 and 2016) now tells us that…

Drumroll please…

Australia’s most common birthday is:

September 17

Followed closely by 8 April with only 33 births over the 10 year period separating the top two.

Australia’s least common birthday is:

February 29

Followed by Christmas Day (25 December) and Boxing Day (26 December).

Another fun fact that came out of the research is that the holiday season is Australia’s favourite time of year for making babies.

“Most researchers attribute this to ‘Christmas babies’ — that is, babies who are conceived during the Christmas holidays.”

“What we know is that births peak in Australia in late September and early October. This is consistent with many other Western countries, including the USA, France, England and Wales, and New Zealand.”

– Associate Professor Edith Gray, head of demography at the Australian National University

The ABC website has a great interactive heatmap chart, which shows each day of the year, and it’s birthday popularity.

Take a look now.