baby karaoke baby newborn new parent app


Apps to help new mums and parents make newborn baby life easier

January 10, 2018

From a mum of two, who was lucky enough to receive these nuggets of gold when her babies were born, and is now handing the batton to you.

Baby Feed Timer app breastfeed bottle feed side tracking

Baby Feed Timer

Track everything feed related with this great app. Breast, bottle, pumping, leftie, rightie, notetaking, medication timings, all of it. A little steep at $7.99, it has some really handy features that make it worth it. Like a big fat Timer that can easily be set and paused with one hand/finger.

Another great feature? Auto detect night mode that adjusts the lighting for your poor tired eyes.


The Wonder Weeks

This app is essentially a calendar which explains the development of your baby from day 1 through 20 months. It can help you decipher the good, the bad and ugly days. Did you know a newborns first developmental leap starts at around 5 weeks?

“For parents of newborns and young babies, The Wonder Weeks app can be a lifesaver during those times of wondering what on earth is going on. Babies change drastically and quickly, often resulting in fussy phases, poor sleep and poor appetite. The Wonder Weeks app helps parents track developmental progress week by week as young babies develop.” – Review from the wonder weeks website.

Download (You need this one. Seriously.)

The Wonder Weeks iPhone App
sound sleeper app new parents baby white noise

Sound Sleeper

Never has the vacuum cleaner sounded so good. If didn’t know, babies LOVE white noise. It helps them feel comfort, settled, drift off to sleep, and importantly, stay asleep. Ok it’s not quite that simple, but can certainly help you and baby get a little more shut eye. You can set it to play for a est duration, and choose from a bunch of white noises including Hairdryer, Fan, Shhhh and Womb, which my bub quite taken of.

Hello listen mode.

One of the best features of this app is ‘Listen’ mode. When kept close to bubs bassinet or cot, It can “listen” for your baby and automatically start playing your preferred white noise sound as soon as it detects sound or heavy movement.


Baby Karaoke – Free

The Raising Children’s network have create a great app which plays animated nursery rhymes both old and new, some featuring a beautiful introduction to Australian culture. You can play animations on repeat, or play all in a loop.

You’ll be singing along with bub in no time. “Come on down to the river with me…”


baby karaoke baby newborn new parent app

Let us know if there are any more great Apps we should add to the list!

We’re all ears when it comes to making life easier for new mums and parents.